Make a donation
Make a donation
Help someone with low literacy by donating
It costs us $1040 to change someone’s life by providing them with literacy skills – and it changes the lives of their children too!
Your donation will help us continue our work:
While the Rural Youth and Adult Literacy Trust applies for grants, it has great difficulty securing grants for running costs, which is essential if the Trust is to continue to operate. These costs are kept to a minimum. The Trust receives no government funding.
Sponsor a Student
By sponsoring an adult student in literacy education, you’re investing in their future. You’re giving them the tools they need to improve their reading, writing and communication skills, which will open up new opportunities for them in their personal and professional lives.
Your sponsorship will make a real difference in the life of an adult learner by providing them with:
Increased literacy skills: which can lead to better job opportunities, higher wages, and greater independence.
Improved self-confidence leading to a greater sense of self-worth and a more positive outlook on life.
Stronger communities and families
Helps to break the cycle of poverty